Thursday, June 7, 2012


So, I stole this idea from a pretty cool lady whose blog I read religiously. Its called "Sometimes/Always." Its pretty easy to understand.

Sometimes: I am in a bad mood.
Always: I am frustrated with my perpetual selfishness

Sometimes: I change my hair color
Always: I look for positive expressions of the change going on in my life.

Sometimes: I yell and scream
Always: I feel as though my voice is not being heard. I am being drowned out by the whirlpool of life that is deafening around me.

Sometimes: I see you.
Always: I wish I did.

Sometimes: I regret the decisions I made in the past.
Always: I remember that I am made up of mistakes, decisions, growth, and change. Without those things I wouldn't be who I am or be going where I am going.

Sometimes: I say what I am thinking.
Always: I cover every possible situation before it occurs and pretty much write out a script to every single scenario.

Sometimes: I weep and wonder.
Always: I know that I have a God who cares and loves me. And I should not be afraid. Always, I have a hope.

Sometimes: I panic.
Always: I want things to run smoothly.


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