This is my post-VBS post.
Sometimes its easy not to need God in everyday life. Of course we always need God but to really need him, to not be able to make it through the day without prayer, Bible reading, complete rendering to God. That is rare. That kind of yearning. And sometimes all the time, it is healthy to step back, step out and watch. Admire the work God is doing that you are too self centered to even realize.
This is that step for me.
Normally, Vacation Bible School is held at a church. But where's the fun in that?
We took VBS into the community. We developed relationships outside of our comfort zones. We explored the possibility that there is more to Christian living than being boarded up in our big church with our big steeple and fancy worship services.
We took VBS into the community. We developed relationships outside of our comfort zones. We explored the possibility that there is more to Christian living than being boarded up in our big church with our big steeple and fancy worship services.
SURPRISE! Everything was okay. We survived. In fact, we Christ thrived.
On the first day, our numbers were a staggering 60 kids, most of which were not from our church.
Tuesday, 85. Still growing.
Wednesday, 83.
Thursday...are you ready for this? 101
Friday, I actually don't know. But it was a lot.
God worked.
For the first time I was a team leader, by myself. We were the "Yellow Fellas." (which is funny because we only had 2 boys in our group.)
Everyday we had a team huddle to discuss what we had learned, what Uncle Al had taught.
I had one girl specifically who listened so intently to the story, it was amazing. Amazing to see her attitude, her conversation, all change. She was learning, she was getting it! This relationship I held so dear to me with the Almighty God, she SAW it. She wanted it. She UNDERSTOOD it.
To hear her talk for 20 minutes about the things that she was learning, I could do it for the rest of my life.
The other kids in my group were great too. Some were leary to love at first but once we continued to pour and pour into them, they opened up their hearts, and minds. It was a great week. Because I was a leader by myself with 10 young children, a parent stayed to help me. A parent from the community. Not from the church. She was learning too. She was a young mom (only 2 years older than me), we were able to have conversations before bible school started and during it.
She kept asking, "so why did you decide to do this? why are you going to do this your whole life?"
I just looked at her and told her to look at the kids,
"Because of them. They are learning. They will know that there is someone out there that loves them. More than you or I ever could. And if I don't do it, who will?"
She came back Sunday night.
Maybe I'll see her again. But if I never do I'll know that she knows. She knows about the God who saved me. Who can save her.
And that's enough for me.
Also, the double digit countdown for GAP has begun...75 days.
Honestly.....I don't know what I'm doing. I just know that this is what I want to do.
I have tons of money to raise.
And I'm hoping this really is what God wants me to do. If it is, he'll help me work it out, right?
Someone tell me I'm right.
I haven't been praying a lot about it lately.
I'm terrified.
Because, what if it changes my life?
My week in Pictures.