Saturday, April 7, 2012

A little post about a little brother

The first thing most people know about my relationship with my brother is that I tried to kill him when he was baby. Which is not true. I was three, I didnt know that grabbing a person my their neck to life them up was not exactly the greatest idea in the world. Im so glad nothing bad happened. That little boy has grown into a wonderful guy and my best friend. It is not unusual for you to hear about sisters being best friends but not usually brother/sister.
When we were younger I hated that I was always compared to Robbie, I couldnt make it through the day without hearing about how perfect Robbie was. It was the worst. But as more and more things happen in our family, he's really the only one who gets it. He understands how I feel, how sometimes I just want to drive, with no direction. And he doesn't ask questions. Because he already knows. My least favorite thing is when people say "I know what you're going through." Most of the time I want to scream
"NO YOU DONT! YOU HAVE NO IDEA! And Im not going to talk to you so GO AWAY!!" I've never done that of course. But, still. When I cry, he knows. When I yell, he yells back because he knows. We share this unspoken understanding that we need each other. We can have honest conversation without the awkward "we dont talk about that" feeling.
If he thinks I'm going to do something stupid, he tells me.
He's the truest friend I've ever had.
Friends forever, Siblings for always <3


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