Thursday, January 19, 2012

Grown up Update.

             Today, I rearranged my schedule so I would be able to drive my dad up to Kalamazoo. Something that has never ever made me happier in my entire life.
A little over a month ago, my father was rushed to Bronson for a bleed in his brain. He stayed there all weekend, and was released that monday, without any answers, causes, nothing. Today is the day that we will be able to find some of those things out.
Life has been rough for us since the 9th of December. My mom has worked alot more, my dad has not worked at all. I started working to help out. For a while, we werent allowed to leave my dad by himself, so I had to be there. I had to put aside my highschool life for a while. He started physical therapy and has been doing fantastic. Which, for a daughter, is absolutly wonderful to hear.
So today is exciting, in a wierd way. And Im glad I get to be there for him whe my mom can't. I've never been more thankful for the responsibilities I've been given and even though they are not fun at times, I love that I am needed. My dad needs me and I am here.
I will post an update of what the doctors say when we get back, not that I will understand any of it. But I'll try my best.


In a perfect world.

Someone at school told me the other day, "Aggie, I am so jealous of you. you have the perfect smile, perfect attitude, perfect family, perfect grades, perfect voice, perfect future plans. Everything works out for you. Why cant I be like that?"

First, I had to stop myself from saying "Do you even know me??"

I don't know who these people think I am. But I am far from the perfect person she described. I guess I put on a good show huh?

Here's the truth: I struggle. alot. With temptation, with pride, with selfishness. I smile because I'm more afraid of people asking me questions. My attitude is simply me trying to make the best of a bad situation. Things go wrong, but if I let that effect how I look at the world, it will. And it will take away frm any joy I have. Simply, I choose to be grateful for what I have, instead of pouting about what I dont. As for the perfect family part, are you kidding? What does a perfect family even look like because I have noo idea. Our family goes through what most families do, and sometimes even more. My grades are not perfect either, I wish they were but they arent. They arent bad though, and thats because I work. My voice, is untrained to say the least. I have a hard time beliving its anywhere close to perfect. or even average. My future is still hanging in the balance. I want to be a missionary, which it tough, really really tough. But I've decided to trust God with that, and not stress about it. Where he has called, I will go. That is not to say that Im not taking steps in any direction, because I am. But nothing is definitive.
 But here's how I make it through, well as much as I can tell you. The rest I don't really understand. I am blessed. And given grace. And for those things I have choosen to be grateful. I have choosen not to fret about the things I cant control. When there are so many things I have been given. In this year, the Lord is really teaching me to find the blessings, to make differences. To work towards being an example of His Love for us in my interaction with others. And as, earlier this week, I am constantly being reminded of what I have to be grateful for. Of how an attitude of gratitude can make a noticibly large change in what people see in you.
  So my response to this compliment I was given; "I am not perfect. And Im flattered you want to be like me, but its not easy. It takes dedication.  And LOTS more God. He is really the reason for the things you see."
As you can imagine, I got no response to that. She must've thought I was crazy. Ahahha (:


Philippians 3:12-14