Saturday, September 11, 2010


I was 7 years old on this day 9 years ago. I remember it well.
I sat in my 2nd grade classroom doing what I always did when the prinicipal came in and talked to my teacher,Mrs Gilman. She cried. All of us were worried and we started to guess what happened of course none of us would ever get it right.
Then the prinicipal told us that something very bad had happened in New York to some buildings but that our parents could tell us the rest after school. He said we were not going to talk about it for the rest of the day but to go about our business as usual.
So, we did.
And that is all I remember. I dont remember any further explaination and I dont remember when I got the other information that I did.

    On this day 9 years ago planes crashed into the twim towers. I dont care if you think it was a conspiracy or not. I however do not believe that. But I'll tell you what I do believe.
I believe moms,dads,aunts,uncles,brothers,sisters, sons and daughers were lost on 9/11.
I beleive that the men and women that went in to save people in the buildings were the bravest of some of the Bravest of Americas heroes, they went into it know that they might not make it out alive but having hope regardless.
I believe that many people in America lost their faith  in the country. I believe that some other people began to see that this country needed to be unified in order to fight this war. 
     I believe after the second plane hit many people were ready for pay back, ready for justice. I believe on that day that many people forgot how to love others. I believe people began to realize that even in the United States we are not free from harm.
I believe that on this very day 9 years ago, this nation lost its faith in God..

But I pray that this country would never forget what happened that day.
God Bless America!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Stand For You by Johnny Diaz with Lyrics

This song is awesome :) Its got so much truth in it!

What a declaration:

"In a world that tries to water You down where believe can not be spoken to
loud I'll stand for the truth Where They claim Your way isnt wide
enough and they try their best to cover You up, I'll stand for You.."

Think about it..



Friday, September 3, 2010

Please dont flaunt it!

       Ok so today I was looking a facebook of someone who I do not know, and Im proud to say I dont know that person. Anyways I found these pictures of her in little bitty dresses and drunk as drunk can be. And I thought to myself,
"Boy, Im glad I dont do that. I want no part of anyones life who DOES that." I mean, how much fun can it be to go to someones house, drink, throw up, and not remember a thing that happened?!
That just sounds miserable to me. I pity the people who believe that this is the only way to have fun. Because in all actuality it is not funn at all. And I will never be a part of that scene, ever. I dont WANT to be. I want to make that something that I do. I want to be proud of my activities, I want people to trust me, I want people to look at me as a responsible person.
People who act like that are ruining their lives, I mean, they dont think so but they are because it give people a WHOLE different perspective of them.
And frankly, they act uneducated. I mean I dont even KNOW the girl whose page I saw but from that page I drew so many conclusions, not only of HER but of the people who I thought were my close friends who hang around her. This, is not what I want. So, some people I know might think Im being dramatic, making assumptions, and judging people.
And I AM!! Because that is what has to be done. Some teenagers have to take a dramatic, judging stand because the name "teenager" is being ruined by these stupid people who dont ever want to get anywherein their lives.